Friday, March 21, 2008

Good Friday?

We call today "Good Friday" but the first Good Friday wasn't good at all. It was a horrible day of death for the Messiah of Israel, Jesus Christ. The whole story started before creation ever happened (1 Peter 1:20). Before God made anything he crafted this amazing way to redeem the human race. At just the right time in history (Galatians 4:4) Jesus was born and came to this Friday by the divine plan of God. This day was planned. This plan was a divine one...a plan intended to show God as not only just but the justifier of man (Romans 3:26). The perfect man, the sinless one, the God man died for us to forgive our sin and give us his life.

It's the story that has changed history and the human race. Some say it never happened, but there is more historical proof for the life, death and resurrection of Jesus than most historical events we do accept. The reason many discount this event of history is because of its implications. If Jesus really was God who became man to die for our sins then we have to make a decision about Jesus in our own lives. It's an eternal decision.

In my own life this decision came at the age of 14. The evening of December 8, 1964 my mom took us to a church service. The purpose of these services was to present this wonderful gospel message and invite those attending to respond. On that evening, when the invitation was given, my mom pushed me into the isle...too embarrassed to retreat I went forward. (Her version of the story is a little different, but this is what I remember.) That night a wonderful elderly pastor, Reverend Bach, shared the story of Jesus with me and I trusted Christ to be my savior, forgive my sins and give me his life. More happened in that moment than I knew at the time, but my eternity was changed as was my life.

The most important decision any of us will ever make is what we believe about Jesus Christ. The bible is clear that he was God, came to become man, die for our sins, rise from the dead and give us new life. He is risen and seated at the right hand of God and will come again to get his children and judge the world. My hearts desire for you is that you will trust Jesus as your savior, that you will believe in him for salvation. It's a decision that will change your eternity. It's the most important decision you will ever make.

If you would like to know more I invite you to read about this GOOD NEWS.

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