Saturday, December 08, 2007

How rich are you?

A fellow pastor, Kris, posted this on his blog and I wanted to share it with you. It's a "how rich are you?" web page. Take a moment, go to, plug in the numbers and see where you fit. You may be surprised how blessed you are.
As Kris says on his post we are amazingly blessed, and are challenged to use the blessings God has given us in a way that honors him.
I was visiting with a man in our church last night who has worked hard in his life (coming from a difficult childhood, abandoned by his mother and raised by relatives) and is now a very wealthy man. He has all of this "money stuff" sorted out nicely. He shared with me several things he has recently been able to do with some of the money God has given him. He and his partner just finished building an orphanage for 450 children in India because it was needed. He just recently gave his wife a large amount of money for one of their anniversaries with this stipulation- you can't spend any of it on yourself, you have to give it all away to help others...and she did. This couple has this money thing figured out. They are using the rich blessings God has given them to change their world.
As a pastor I don't have nearly that kind of wealth, but when I plugged in my meager salary on this web site I was embarrassed to see how blessed I really am compared to the world around me. It helps at times to remember that we are a most blessed people. Lord, help me to use those dollars you give me in a way that honors you.

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