Friday, December 07, 2007

The Golden Compass reviewed

.The Golden Compass starts today, and with all the discussion about it I think I need to see it myself, so this afternoon I'm going to see the movie. I'll give you a report when I return....

My wife and I saw the movie this afternoon. I have been trying to think of a way to describe it. It's dark, depressing, a little confusing....but the visuals effects were amazing. It was like many of the adventure fantasies being made now. The big difference was the message. There is a monolithic organization in the movie trying to control the human race. I can see how this could look like the catholic church.

There were many spiritual elements in the movie, but most people would miss them. Many of these are vague and hard to follow, and some were just upside down from our reality. It was entertaining, but the plot and story were slow. Frankly, it got a little boring at times. The movie finished with a setup for a sequel, and where that will lead would be the thing that would concern me.

After the movie we talked to two different teenagers in different settings and neither of them seemed very interested in the movie. I will be curious to see the impact of this movie. I will also be interested to get some definitions for all the spiritual elements in the movie because I still don't know where the author was going with some of them.

I rate this film a "yawn." I think it will be a non issue.


  1. Ja, ich denke dass auch!
    I think so too. that is usually the way these hyped up movies are.

  2. I wonder Mike... so many of the cultural u-turns we have taken away from good toward the evil we now face has been gradual and subtle. Would you say this is another cog in that wheel or would you rate it as being a non-issue altogether? These kinds of things (along with boycot disney and all the other stands the American church has taken) make me nervous. Are these just witchhunts or bandwagons for the church? Does the church give free publicity to these events? To me it is not a real surprise that stuff like this comes out. Scripture says that wisdom of God is foolishness to the non-spiritual man. Jesus also said that the world would hate us just like it hated Him. So, as poorly as we have seasoned and lit our world, should movies like this really surprise us? Had this been a real blasphemic movie, what should our response be, beyond keeping our own kids from watching?

  3. Tony,

    thanks for the great thoughts. May I copy your questions and answer them from my perspective?

    "so many of the cultural u-turns we have taken away from good toward the evil we now face has been gradual and subtle. Would you say this is another cog in that wheel or would you rate it as being a non-issue altogether?"

    I think the cog, as you describe it, is already in place. This movie simply reveals that it's in place and working well.

    "These kinds of things (along with boycot disney and all the other stands the American church has taken) make me nervous. Are these just witchhunts or bandwagons for the church? Does the church give free publicity to these events?"

    It seems to me that we are just giving them free publicity. Those who are searching will go to these movies to see what we are upset about, and when they don't "get it" they will be polarized away from Christianity.

    "Should movies like this really surprise us?"

    No, not at all.

    "Had this been a real blasphemic movie, what should our response be, beyond keeping our own kids from watching?"

    Keep our kids away from it, other than that ignore it. The bible says that mankind will be like this, why are we boycotting the nature of man instead of loving the lost and demonstrating the real Christ to them?

    We have lost our witness because of our foolishness on these issues.

  4. I enjoyed reading the comments on this. Both my boys want to see this movie, but I think I'll encourage them to wait for the DVD which we can watch together (I'd rather not pay the outrageous amount to see it at the theater - especially if it's a "yawn".)

    Thanks for your review!
