Saturday, November 17, 2007

World's most effective speed bump

Something fun for a Saturday afternoon.


  1. Can we put those in the church parking lot for those who cut through? I like it! Natalie

  2. Das war echt TOLL! Sehr komisch, Mike!

    Ok, so that was truly great and very funny. And best of all, it was auf Deutsch and I understood it!!!!

  3. Genau!!!! Das ist ganz ganz KOMISCH!!!!
    Ich habe gelacht und gelacht und gelacht!
    Das ist toll! Das 'Blumen Satz' war so richtig!

    So right. That is very funny.
    I have laughed and laughed and laughed.
    It is crazy. The flower sentence (when the camera is pointed toward the flowers) was so right.

    (scary I understood it too)

  4. One of you should translate it for us non-German speakers. Ich spreche kein Deutsch. Or not much anyway.
