Sunday, November 18, 2007

Feeling like Solomon, the conclusion?

A few days ago I presented a problem for your consideration. Here is the problem:
"I counseled a couple last night that presented me with a dilemma much like the one Solomon faced with the two women and the baby (1 Kings 3:16-28). This couple came to me to resolve their dispute, and here it is- she's a Christian, he's a Muslim, they are married with two children.....each of them wants to raise the children in THEIR faith! She wants to raise them Christian, he wants to raise them Muslim. How's that for a problem?"
I invited your thoughts and told you I would let you know what I told them. Here is what I said to them-
I told the wife, she's the Christian, "You need to pray to your God and ask him to work in the lives of your husband and children. You need to teach them about your faith, and share with them the gospel message. You should take them to church, and pray that God will work in your family."
Then I looked at the husband, the Muslim, and said, "You need to pray to your God and ask him to work in the lives of your wife and children. You need to teach them about your faith, and share with them what you believe is the way to God. You should take them to the mosque, and pray that God will work in your family."
As you can imagine, the wife who brought her husband to me to convert to Christianity was angry. But I wasn't finished yet. I had to tell them one more thing,
Then I looked at them both and said, "I need to tell you one more thing. You will be praying to different Gods. They are not the same God. You also need to know that only one of them is the real God, and the other one is not a god at all. You need to trust your God to work in your lives. The real God will work, and change your family. Can you both do that?"
They both agreed to my assignment, and I sent them on their way.
Like Elijah with the prophets of Baal in the Old Testament this is indeed a test of faith in God, and it's an opportunity to see the real God work. Do we really believe that the God of the Bible is the only God there is? Then trust him to do what only he can do. Let the real God prove himself....and he will.


  1. Bravo! That was was one terrific answer.

  2. I thoroughly enjoyed the series on this couple and the answer you gave was very wise and has God's fingerprints all over it. I will be interested to hear the outcome. I will be praying for them too.

  3. That was awesome! God sure gave you some sweet wisdom! -Natalie

  4. It is no wonder why I come to you for solid counsel, thank you for all the wise counsel you have given me and thank you God who grants you the wisdom!

  5. wow how interesting, What an interesting situation to come up upon. I will be curious to see how things develop.
