Monday, November 19, 2007

The view from our back yard.... nothing like this. We live in Texas! The scenery in Texas is typical southwest United States. Sometimes I wonder why anyone ever fought over this land in the first place or decided that this would be a great place to live. The thing that keeps us here are the people and the community of believers we love and care for. If I were looking for a place to live because of the view this would not be it. But here we Texas. It's great to have such a rich (in love and faith) community of people around us. We can give up the view because of the people. The family of God makes even Texas beautiful.


  1. This spot is in my backyard.. actually down the road from me! No wars have ever been fought here... The natives in the region didn't like the place because they thought there was a hex on it as it is so rugged. I get to look at snowy mountain peaks all around me all the time.

  2. Warren,

    now you're just bragging. I am jealous though, hope you don't mind. Thanks for stopping by, and for leaving a comment. I'll check out your blog as well.
