Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Thanksgiving thoughts

Thanksgiving in just a couple days away. Families gather together to eat, talk and celebrate. It's a day to say "thank you" to God for all he has done in our lives. I must admit I don't say "thank you" enough, each year it's a new reminder that I need to make thanks part of my life. It does affect us...it molds us, shapes us, changes our view of things. It's an intentional decision to thank God for his blessings. It's an admission that he gave them all to us. It's a celebration of his very nature, for his love endures forever. I'm so glad we worship a good God, a God who loves us. I'm grateful, thankful that his love endures forever! I hope you have a great day of food, family and thanks to the God who made us. He is so good.

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