Thursday, November 29, 2007

Offending Islam

It seems that I read daily that someone is in trouble for offending the Muslim world in some way. Now it's a teacher in Sudan who allowed her children in the classroom to name a toy after the prophet Muhammad.

Is there any way that we who are not Muslim do not offend Islam? I think in truth the answer is "no." The very fact that I am a Christian and do not believe that Allah is the true God is offensive to the Muslim who is honest.

We must be ready to deal with the fact that any faith other than Islam is offensive to the devout Muslim. So here I am, a Christian in love with the God of the Bible, worshipping Jesus, the God man who died for my sins on the cross, believing that he is the only way to salvation and that he will return to welcome me into his eternal kingdom.

To the Muslim I may be an infidel, but to the God who made me I am his blessed son.

Christians & Jewish martyrs say; "I will die for what I believe".
A Muslim martyr says; "you will die for what I believe".

1 comment:

  1. Is there any way that we who are not Muslim do not offend Islam? I think in truth the answer is "no." The very fact that I am a Christian and do not believe that Allah is the true God is offensive to the Muslim who is honest.

    Very good, Mike. I just posted an article on s&t about the teddy bear story as well. Have a good weekend.
