Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Dragging idols

In part of my reading this morning I'm in Ezekiel. I came to chapter 20:7-8 and read these words, "I said to them, 'Cast away, each of you, the detestable things of his eyes, and do not defile yourselves with the idols of Egypt; I am the Lord your God.' But they rebelled against Me and were not willing to listen to Me; they did not cast away the detestable things of their eyes, nor did they forsake the idols of Egypt."

It made me stop for a moment....I never read that in Exodus, but here in Ezekiel God is telling us they drug their idols through the desert for 40 years and would not let them go. After all they saw God do, how he provided for them, how he cared for them, they still drug along those worthless idols for 40 years.

I wondered....what idols am I dragging around? What am I holding onto after all I have seen God do? What "false gods" will I not let go of? Is there anything that I will not "cast away" because God thinks it's detestable? And, why don't I view it as detestable too? These are just some thoughts running through my mind. I know I do it....I know I'm "dragging idols." What are they? And am I willing to cast them away like worthless trash? How do I get God's view on all of this?

Lord, show me what idols I'm dragging around. Help me to see them as you do. Help me to cast them away...don't let me be a rebel too.......


  1. I have a pick-up truck load of idols I am carrying around. Need to head to the dump.

    Interesting scripture. I did not realize they brought the idols with them and kept them for 40 years.

    I read a book one time that said God works on us slowly. As new believers (or after a major life event), He points out various sins and we work to rid ourselves of what we see. Once we think we are doing well, He points out something else we need to work on. If he pointed out all our sins at once, we would be overwhelmed and would never make progress. The author provide the visual of going through a screen door (or sifter). The big lumps clear out easily and once it looks good, the mesh gets smaller to point out other impurities. I have always liked that visual.

  2. That's a different twist on a "drug" problem. I know I'm guilty.
