Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Just thinking...

I am up early again. Maybe it's just being old....I notice I just don't sleep as much as I used to. So, as my brother Brent often does.....here is what I'm thinking this morning.....

-I had the great opportunity to attend a bible conference on the topic of grace yesterday. It is amazing how many opinions there are about basic bible themes. I wonder how many of them will look really silly when Jesus shows up.

-I'm amazed how easy it is to get busy and accomplish nothing. I think I understand the hamster in the wheel....running for all he's worth, but going nowhere.

-We had our grand kids last night while our daughter and son-in-law went to their small group. Our 9 month old grandson is almost walking. It's amazing to me to see how God develops those little brains to accomplish something that is hard for him now, but will become second nature soon.

-I got an e-mail from a friend I haven't seen in a few weeks. They simply have been too busy to be in church. I think this is more common in our culture than we realize....we get too busy to be with the family of God. How, as a pastor, can I help people with this "ride" they get on and can't seem to get off of?

-It's the middle of October here in Texas, and it's finally cooling off a little. It will only be in the mid 80's today. I wish it would cool down a little more....I'm really tired of hot weather.

-I got a phone message from a friend yesterday who told me he's in Colorado for a few days....resting at a mountain cabin, and he would call me when he gets back. I'm jealous.

-Tonight is my only open night (nothing to do) for a few weeks...I wonder if I'm on "the ride" too? How do we get so busy? How do we stop all of this activity? Are we accomplishing anything?

-I think I'm going to stop watching the news. It's the same every day- murder, kill, destroy! It never changes....always the same with different names. I think all the news does is keep our fears alive and well (if you can call it that.)

-I'm really enjoying the "getting acquainted" experience with our new teaching pastor, Steve. He's a really great guy. I think he will do a great job in our ministry. I have really enjoyed getting to know him.


  1. When I was a young man with a young family I ran on that hampster wheel also. Getting off the wheel is really simple, it is just a mind trick. We are on the wheel because we think we are going somewhere but don't know where the "where" is, or what it will look like when we get there (we worry). The simple truth is it is the "trip" that counts, it is the "going" where life really is. Because we know how great God is and His great love for us, He has our tomorrow, an because of Him it is great. Now that tomorrow is already taken care of I can just enjoy what He puts on my plate for today. Mike McM

  2. Can I encourage you to stop watching the news? I used to be a news junkie, but it added to my stress level, so I gave it up. In my (humble) opinion watching the news makes people subconciously worry about other peoples problems, which you can't solve,and therefore it adds to your mental stress level. Give it up -- it's very liberating!
    Enjoy your evening off! SM

  3. I'm about ready to give up even reading the newspaper (except the comics) for the same reason. It really depresses me to read all the terrible, horrible things going on in this world.

    Busyness - where does it end? Wish I had the answer to that one...

  4. I quit watching the news a good while back. I'll occasionally hear something on the radio, but even that gets depressing. I have too much in my own life to be concerned with. I don't need to stress over everyone else's problems, too.

    Have you ever thought how recently in world history we have been able to know what is happening around the globe at any given moment? Remember wars that continued to be fought because word had not reached the front that one side had surrendered? I don't think God wants us worrying about the world. Actually, he doesn't want us worrying at all. And I can't fix the world, so I don't trouble myself with it. Maybe that's uncaring, but for me it's survival.
