Monday, October 15, 2007

God's plan

Rom 8:28 And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.

How does he do it? How does God make all these things work out as he does? It seems so amazing that he can coordinate people, events, time and circumstances for his children's good.

He does all of this for our good!

But there are days when it seems that none of the gears are working as they should. There are days when I have wondered, and I know you have too, does God really have all of this worked out for my good?

There are days when it seems that everything is going wrong.

What is God's plan? What is he trying to do in my lives? How does this "gear" (this event) connect to another, and another and ultimately end up being something good in my life? I must tell you that I cannot sort it all out. As I watch my own life it seems there are things that happen that I cannot see could ever turn out for my good....they look like utter failures. But God says he is working and I will see both his hand and his good at the end.

"All things work for good".....what a promise. I'm so glad God has a plan, that he is able to make it all work, that what looks like a mess to me he is able to make into a miracle, that he is interested in my good when all I see is bad....I'm so glad that God has a plan.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad He has a plan (though I wish He'd clue me in sometimes...)It's been a week of "one of those days". Yuck. I don't even think coffee or chocolate will help. (Trust me, I've tried!)
