Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Happy Birthday!

Ok, I see that I have become far too serious in recent posts, so let me lighten this up with birthday wishes to the person responsible for me being here- my mom!

Her birthday is today! Happy Birthday, Mom!

She not only gave me physical birth, but was principle in my spiritual birth as well. I will tell you that story another time. Thanks Mom.

I wish you could know her. She is one of the most amazing people I have ever met. (I would say that even if she wasn't my mom.) She loves the Lord, is an eternal optimist, always excited about life and ready for the next adventure. Few would know that she has battled depression most of her life.

I'm blessed to still have my mom with me, so to one of the most amazing women I know, Happy Birthday, Mom!


  1. I can see that she rubbed off on you :-)

    I don't know if my last post 'posted', but I wanted to let you know that my family thoroughly enjoyed your message Sunday. It was a good discussion afterwards here at home. I always look forward to hearing you, and will miss the frequency now. Heidi Day

  2. You are blessed to have your mom still around.

    Happy Birthday, Mikey's Mom!

  3. What a beautiful smile! I can see where you got your joy for life! Yes, you are truly blessed!
