Wednesday, October 03, 2007

The conflict

There is an interesting verse in Proverbs that always makes me stop and think when I read it.

It speaks about the conflict.

I know you may ask, "what conflict?" Here's the verse, then let me explain:

Pro 29:27 An unjust man is abominable to the righteous, And he who is upright in the way is abominable to the wicked.

There is, according to this verse, a conflict between the righteous and the wicked. Neither can abide the other....both are intolerant! And for good reason.

Here's a definition to help us with this conflict:

bom·i·na·ble, adj. 1. Unequivocally detestable; loathsome. 2. Thoroughly unpleasant or disagreeable.

The righteous sees God's holy nature and character, and want to be like that. Anything that is in conflict with that is an abomination to us...a rebellion against the very plan and nature of God.

The wicked see the righteous living in light of the holiness of God, trying to be like him, and it's abominable to them....they feel judged just by our presence and hate the righteous for what it reveals about them.

It seems there is a conflict between the two that is not resolved by just trying to get along...that's what many would try to do. The only solution is to pray for the wicked, that they might be saved, and realize that the conflict will be there. The only resolution to this conflict is to win the wicked to faith in Christ. Appeasement will not work in this's spiritual warfare to the end!

So, when you run into this conflict, don't be's real.....and all you may have done to spark it is try to please God.


  1. Good stuff. I've had one of those weeks. I can't seem to do anything right in the eyes of two even though I've bent over backwards. It all comes down to my Lord. Its foolishness to them and therein lies the conflict. In fact, remembering psalms 37, I have had nothing else more profound to write than to use those words to encourage me and make a statement to those two that find is entertaining to attack.
