Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Time flies!

I couldn't believe it!

It completely ruined my day!

Yesterday I went over to a retirement village to visit one of our men who has just moved there. On my way to his room I noticed the cafeteria full of people....lunch time...and looked in to see Jack waiting for lunch, so I went in to visit with him. I pulled up a chair at the table and sat down to visit while they waited for lunch. Soon a sweet little waitress came by the table to take the orders for lunch. She went around the table, asking each one what they wanted, and then she looked at me and asked, "And sir, what would you like for lunch?" I was shocked! I'm not old enough to be here! How could she think I "fit in" at a retirement village??!! I was speechless for a moment, then smiled and said, "nothing for me, thank you."

But it ruined my day!

I'm not that old, am I?

Then I realized....yes, I am almost old enough to be here. It made me quite aware of how short life really is. It seemed like only yesterday when I was in college, newly married, starting ministry, being a dad......and now it's all passed by so quickly. In less than 30 years, if the Lord doesn't return, I'll be quickly life passes.

I really never expected to get "old" other people. We never think it will happen to us, but it does and soon life is over. So, I thought of this verse as I realized how quickly all of this just seems to go too fast. In fact, I have thought about getting t-shirts made with this verse as the theme. The shirt would have a big "V" on the front, you know- like superman's "S"? And on the pocket it would say, "Vapor-man" with this verse below it. I guess it's time to get the t-shirt, and head back to the retirement village for another reality check.

Jas 4:14 Yet you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away.


  1. Eeek! Now you ruined my day! (Just kidding!)

    I was sitting in a room full of young moms this morning watching a couple of them holding (practically) newborns. It seems like just yesterday I was doing the same thing wondering when I would ever sleep again! Now I wonder the same thing because I have insomnia from being middle aged! (Well, it is better than it was a few months ago.)

    So I was thinking the same thing...time does fly and it won't be long until I'll be with you rejoicing at the feet of Jesus. Really, that doesn't sound like a bad gig, does it?? (It's just that death thing that I'm not too thrilled with...)

  2. This reminds me of a comment I heard some time ago. "The most difficult lie I have ever had to contend with is this, Life is a story about me." I like this. I can rest in this.
    Second thing is when I was watching Peter Pan one night and was thinking about the boys of neverland. I was thinking about how sad must it be to never grow up? As I see it, the only way we don't grow any older is because we are already with GOD. I am thankful for the time HE has given me and I hope in leading my life with HIM at the wheel I give HIM all Glory.

  3. I'd like to combine the wisdom and mindset I've accumulated over the years with the energy and enthusiasm I had at age 20 or so...

    ...a classic case of "If I knew then what I know now..."

  4. Okay, before it ruins your day next time, remember this. Grandma Adams is at Flower Mound assisted living and they invite any visitors to any meals anytime. I bet they have the same policy where you were and she just wondered if you were staying for lunch. This has actually happened to me too, and I'm 29.

    You aren't old enough and don't look the part so don't overthink it too much:) (However sometimes when they are having Sunday Sundaes, taking casino excursions, and playing cards, I think-- staying here wouldn't be so bad...)

  5. She obviously made an incorrect judgement based on the surroundings and felt that your age fell within the Cone of Uncertainty.


  6. SM- very funny! thanks. you made me laugh.

  7. While we're talking about age ..Be sure to remember .....
    1) Old age is always 15 years older than I am.
    And...2) It seems life would be so much easier if we could start at 80 and end at 18.
