Monday, August 20, 2007

Our world

I found this picture and thought.....if there was just one picture that could describe our world today this would be it. And so, without further delay...our world in one picture-


  1. True dat! And it certainly snuck up on me, that's for sure. I used to live in terror of the quote, "I have become the worst of all things; a busy man." Now...well...

    As usual, some very tasty food for thought, Senior Messerli.

  2. Hey Mike, Just want to thank you for always encouraging me and still reading my blog even after not updating much!

    I love you lots brother :)

    I miss reading your blog regularly too. I don't have access to the internet where I live, and barely have enough time at work.

    But know that I am always trying to read you and love to hear what is happening in your (and your wife's) life!

    Bless ya!

  3. heyyyy - some of those signs come from Europe :-)
    They talk about freetime-stress here in Europe. I wonder if it is the only stress talked about. It is a stress around vacation. The German's take their vacations very seriously! They MUST go somewhere, and they MUST spend money while they are gone - interesting...
    it is known as Freizeitstress...
    Free (frei) Time (zeit) Stress (borrowed from the USA)...
