Friday, July 13, 2007

Saving moments

One of the sites I visit and enjoy is Flickr. It's a photo sharing site. I love this place because I can see the world here from the eyes of those who live in it. It's fascinating to see what people photograph now that everything is digital. Here's the message on the site this morning-

"There were 1,681 photos uploaded in the last minute."

That really caught my attention and made me think. WOW, 1,681 photos were saved to this site in the last minute! Here are a few of those photos-

There are photos of places, people, things, and some pictures that make me wonder, "did they mean to take that picture?" Having worked as a photographer in years past....I love it! It's our way to save a little bit of history...a moment in time...a way to remember an encounter, a place, a person. It's our "written" history for this time. We no longer write about our lives as we did in generations past, now we photograph them and post them on the internet.

It's no longer the stories we write that will speak about us, it's the pictures. We all want to save those moments, those places, those people in our remember.

And yet, it will happen to us as it did to the last generation...our pictures will end up on restaurant walls as decoration. People will sit to dine and ask, "who was that?", "what did they do?", "did they mean to take that picture?" Quickly, in less than 100 years, we are forgotten, and unless we write our names on the back of the pictures, no one will know or remember who we were.

But there is one who remembers....there is one who keeps track. That has always amazed me...that God is watching us. He knows us, he remembers us, he knows and remembers our victories and our hurts. He celebrates our wins, and grieves with us when we grieve. There is one who remembers me when everyone else has forgotten...he loves me, and has my picture hanging on his wall.

Pro 5:21 For the ways of a man are before the eyes of the LORD, And He watches all his paths.


  1. Yes, I worked at a newspaper as a photographer in high school, and continued on into college to pay for school. It was a lot less painful than playing football!
