Thursday, July 12, 2007


I'm nearing the end of a two week vacation, and have really enjoyed the time of rest. I can't remember ever taking two weeks off at the same time in my entire adult work life, so this has really been nice. I think I might do it again.

Rest is nice! To get away from the usual...even if you love what you rest for a while has been very much needed for me. I can see why Jesus made the disciples step away from the busy ministry they were doing to rest....we all need it.

For us it's been riding the motorcycle to Colorado, spending time with friends, reading books, sleeping,'s been a "what do you want to do?"'s been nice.

I am finding, as I grow older, that there are some basic things that I must do to finish well....and here's my short list of important things:

1. read the Bible, 2. pray, 3. spend some time each day in quiet, 4. read great books, 5. take care of my family, 6. find some good friends and pursue those relationships, 7. keep a journal, 8. REST, 9. turn off the T.V., 10. take time each day to just dream a little...about anything, 11. live for eternity, not just for today, 12. memorize Ephesians 4:29, 13. work hard, 14. put other people first, it will make life exciting.

What's on your list? Do you have one? If not....make your list of important things and use them to finish well!

(Share your additions or your own list in the comments...I'm sure I have forgotten something important.)

Mar 6:31 And He *said to them, "Come away by yourselves to a secluded place and rest a while." (For there were many people coming and going, and they did not even have time to eat.)


  1. I think if I could do Phil. 2:3 on a regular basis, I would finish well. Sounds like a simple list, but what a tall order!

    I like the one you listed about "quiet." With the persistent noise in our society, that's truly a hard one to do. Sometimes I feel like my senses are overwhelmed with noise. My favorite time of day is early in the morning with my cup of coffee and....quiet. Thanks for sharing your list!

  2. Phil 2:3? I agree! What a tough verse. There is a lot to put on the have kept it very simple. thanks for your thoughts.

  3. My list would look similar to yours. 1. read the Bible, 2. pray, 3. love (respect/serve) my husband well every day. 4.teach my son all the good that I know, 5.Treat my body well (exercise, eat well, sleep enough), considerate.

    Reading my list over...Not only do I need to finish well with these, I need to start better. Thanks Mike!

    Jenny in Guatemala (can't remember my password to sign in!)
