Sunday, July 29, 2007

Quote of the day

This is a quote I used in my sermon this morning, and will again tonight. It was part of my closing comments and I think it speaks to the very heart of the Christian it is:

"If it pleases you, always and only, to do what pleases can do as you please." *

-Major Ian Thomas

*from The indwelling life of Christ by Major Ian Thomas, page 70


  1. I'm glad you put this quote on your blog. I didn't get a chance to write it down and of course, my tired old pea-brain has already forgotten it.

    You still amaze me with your simple observations that really are big ideas. Now why can't I come up with those? (hmmm, maybe it's the pea-brain at work...)

  2. You totally rocked yesterday (or should I say, the Holy Spirit rocked through you)! I enjoyed the sermon so much. A number of examples really hit home. What a blessing for our church to have you as a teacher.

  3. very nice, I like that!!!
