Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Little things

Yesterday was a long day for us. We took my wife's mother home....340 miles each way. I told Joye that we should describe it as going 340 for lunch, and then coming home. It was a great day...huge rain storms all around us, lightning everywhere...we even saw a tree on fire from a lightning strike.

But the little things of a day come into focus when something goes wrong. Part way back home the car started to act up. It would flash a warning light on the dash, and then the motor would shut off for a moment. It was worrisome...suddenly, in southeast Oklahoma in one of the small towns, we saw a dealership for our car and pulled in. I told them about the light, and would they check to see what was wrong......and we headed for the waiting room.

And there we sit...waiting. How much will this cost? Are we stuck here for the night? What is wrong with the car? After an hour the tech support lady comes to see us, like a doctor after surgery..."You're ready to go." she said. They had hooked it up to the computer, checked out everything, drove it 11 miles to make sure, and we were ready.....then the bill....I went to the cashier to pay for their work and the cashier said, "there is no charge, have a blessed day." Now I'm confused....where am I? This isn't the world I live in....these people are nice, and telling me to have a blessed day! Where am I???

With relief, and a little joy over the encounter we get in the car for the 3 hours we have left....and I notice something. The car is running better. The mileage is better. Something is different....it's not so sluggish as it was. They did do something to the car and it was running great! So off we go...glad for little things... little blessings God gives us. Now I'm embarrassed for my worries in the waiting room. God is in charge....he likes blessing us with even the little things.


  1. Awesome story. I love it when God is so "clearly" in control that we can do nothing but thank and praise Him.

  2. No matter where you were, you were in God's country. Think of it this way: You had a glimpse of the kingdom for a brief short moment.

    A wonderful reminder of God's goodness to us even in Oklahoma. ;-)

  3. Wow that is awesome!!! I am so glad for you guys, that is just amazing.

    sadly we have known the car trouble problem a lot lately, unfortunately the car actually died but the good news is we did get our money out of it we had it for 9 years.

    We recently bought a van to replace the old car and our good news story was that the alternator went out within the first 30 days warranty, so we were able to get that replaced free of charge. And it may seem crazy to be thankful for such a thing, I felt like it was a God situation that it happened during that time period instead of a day after the 30 day warranty.

    Glad you guys made it home safe and with a happy car :)

  4. As Chambers said, "There is no condition in life in which we cannot abide in Christ." The little things show God's wonderful intimacy with us individually; I guess the challenge is to realize that things that are "big" to us are also in his control and no match for His power and wisdom.
