Friday, May 18, 2007

Seeing God work in spite of me

Have you ever wondered if you are making a difference, if you are doing anything for the kingdom of God? It is hard at times to keep a clear vision of the goal because of the battles and tasks in front of you. There are days when I wonder, "Am I doing anything for the kingdom of God? Am I making any difference at all???" (I think we all feel this way at times.) Then I read something like this, and I get a glimpse of what God is doing...He's working....and we get to be part of it. Here's my encouragement today:

"Every now and then I post about a great blog I have found. I want others to be able to read and enjoy.
Two blogs that I don't ever like to miss are
Joyeful Things , and Finishing Well .
I think I have mentioned Joyeful things before, I have probably been reading hers the longest. Finishing well is her husband who is a pastor. They are so inspiring to me, they are very real and their posts are very inspiring. I don't know them besides from their blogs, but they have ministered greatly to me just through their blogs. If I am ever having a frustrating day I can go read these blogs and they inspire me to get out of my rut. Even though I have never met them, they are a dear couple to me. They have such a heart for God and people. They are some great role-models on this new path of ministry my husband and I have found ourselves on. I glean so much Godly loving wisdom from them.
I actually found both of them through their daughter. I really enjoyed her blog a lot because I could relate to her life. She was a mother of three who were around the same ages as my three and she wrote about her daily life as a mom. I still enjoy reading her blog too. She recently just had her fourth child, and again I find myself on the same path it seems. Maybe I can get some wise counsel from
Life in the shoe, as I am thinking I am crazy and my life is about to get even crazier adding a fourth child.
But if you ever need to be inspired, want to read some well written, real people, very thought provoking posts I definitely recommend "Joyeful things", and "Finishing Well" and "Life in the Shoe". These are must reads for me. Just wanted to highlight some of my favorite's."


So, be encouraged today...God is working in your life, and at times we will see a little bit of what he is up day we will see it all, and will fall at his feet in worship. What an awesome God!

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