Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Reading the word

Today I'm reading a passage of scripture I will be teaching from next Sunday. Did you ever read the word and feel that the "fruit" was just out of reach? It's there, but just a little beyond your reach? I'm there. I am working on a passage that is rich, and meaty, but.......what do I do with it?
Years ago, reading Jim Elliott's journals, I discovered him struggling with the same dilemma. As he wrote he was trying to figure out what the passage of scripture meant for him. It's so encouraging for me to read that he struggled and labored over this as he tried to find "fruit" in the passage he was reading.
I think we all do that. There are times when I feel dry, and reading the word gives me no water for my thirst. Now, I know it's there, but I am not "getting it." I know we all go through that because so many have told me they do as well.
For me? I just keep reading. The bible is the book that feeds me. If not this chapter, then maybe the next. In fact, "this chapter" may be meant for another day for me, and I'm just not finding the "fruit" God has for me today. It's there, I just have to keep reading.

2Ti 3:16 Every part of Scripture is God-breathed and useful one way or another--showing us truth, exposing our rebellion, correcting our mistakes, training us to live God's way.
2Ti 3:17 Through the Word we are put together and shaped up for the tasks God has for us.


  1. I just wrote something very similar on my blog! I feel so much better! (You said it more eloquently than I, however.) Wow - I'll pray for you Mike. Can't wait to hear what God will teach you.

  2. that's great mike! And encouraging too.

    Sometimes we just gotta keep on persevering as we read the Word :)
