Monday, April 09, 2007

Monday's cartoon

A cute short animation with a strong message. Enjoy, and let me know what message you got from this video. This should be fun.


  1. Poor Kiwi. He managed to fulfill a huge dream but.....

    Maybe he should have applied for flight school instead and learned to wear a parachute?

  2. If I should have attached a scripture reference, this is it: "There is a way that seems right to a [kiwi], but in the end it leads to death." Proverbs 16:25

  3. Ok, thanks alot, I'm TOTALLY depressed = ((

    How sad...but so true...we Christians long for and covet and spend all our time working SO hard for the gifts that we think WE should have but that God has given our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.

    The message I got..."if God hasn't given you the wings of an eagle, BE a dodo!"

    The only way to be fulfilled on earth is to BE who God wants me to be and to DO what God wants me to do! I can and should admire and appreciate others' gifts without striving for them myself.

  4. I saw Kiwi as knowing in his heart of hearts that he's a bird and has an innate sense that he's supposed to fly. He wants it so badly that he tries to create the experience himself. But he won't be able to truly experience flight until he's with his Creator.

  5. I watched it twice, and I still don't get it. Strange thing works hard, supports tree, flies off, end of story. Sorry I missed the message.
    What does it mean to you, Mike?

  6. annonymous,

    kiwi's can't fly, but this one wants to fly so badly he will rearrange nature for a few moments of the sense of flying only to end in his death at the bottom. Big idea? What will you give for what's important to you, what will you do? This little kiwi was willing to die for the feeling of flying, if only for a few moments... I admit it's a strange video, but it does make you think.

  7. How do we know that there was no water at the bottom? We assumed by the noise his imminent death but maybe this was not so. Do we think he went through that much trouble to rearrange tree life (Possibly causing the death of about fifty trees-clearly not a nature lover) Do you think he would bother to put something at the end that would stop him comfortably?
    Maybe he was considering the fact that his wings were useless at lower speeds but at faster speeds smaller wings makes aerodynamic sense. Riddle me that..



    P.S. I like what Kathy said about Proverbs 16:25.

  8. You know I thought about this some more and I think that this being a class project in computer art the uhh artist just wanted to be done with it. Kiwi meant his time and energy spent into this project and he didnt have to provide a completion just a sound effect which left to our imaginations did quite well..
