Saturday, April 07, 2007

My head hurts!

I just finished a new book I got late this week and my head hurts! The book is titled, "Jim & Casper go to church". It's a great idea for a book- Jim is the Christian, Casper is the atheist and they go to church....a bunch of churches...and share what they see. It is a book I must read again! My head is spinning as I think about their observations. The focus of their visits was the larger, well known churches in America...Saddleback, Willow Creek, Mosiac, Joel Osteen's church, and a number of others. The questions Casper, the atheist (by the way I really like this guy) made were challenging to me. I am very provoked by this book and look forward to going through it again with a notepad and sure has me thinking.....


  1. I went through it with notepad and pen...

    ...and The Diner will be open for business on Monday regarding this very thing.

  2. I look forward to your thoughts...but I still want to go through it does have me thinking.

  3. i wanna think
    i wanna think

    think something besides german
    see you and the Joye of your life soon!

  4. Mutating Missionary, YOU CRACK ME UP!

    Mike please do tell more about this book on your blog as I have way to many books to read this quarter and can't get to it very soon!

    I hope you and your lovely wife had a very Joyful Easter!

  5. cheri,

    Brent will be doing a detailed review of the book on his blog tomorrow. Check out his review, I think his thoughts will tell you a lot about the book.

    thanks for the note.

  6. It would be interesting to see how much more these churches would shape their services on the words of a atheist more than the Christian.. Knowing their is a difference in how the atheist sees the Church verses how a believer sees it what should our response be to even a good observation? Can we as Christians in our Churches give to both the nonbeliever and believers coming in our do we gage our leading by what we know about our members? Can we do both evangelize to non-believers and feed meat to our believers?
