Friday, April 06, 2007

Good Friday?

It's good Friday. The day we remember Christ's death on the cross. It was, as one author said, the worst and best day of all human history. It is, in fact, the day that clarifies how much God loves us. The depth of his love is shown by the price he was willing to pay to save us. It was a wonderful and awful price all in one. Thanks, Lord, for showing us your wonderful love in that horrible cross.


  1. Thanks Mike.

    The theological concepts of the atoning work and resurrection of Christ and the eventual resurrection of believers are essential to Biblical Christianity. Your article points readers to the importance of the resurrection. Have a good weekend Mike.

  2. Russ,

    thanks for the note. I appreciate your words.

  3. wonderful sermon today.
    thanks. carter & jennie bowe

  4. Carter & Jennie,

    thank you. It was great fun, and I am so grateful that God was working today.

