Thursday, April 26, 2007

God's passion

"Then they will know that I am the LORD their God."

I'm in the middle of reading Ezekiel. It's a long, difficult book of prophesy. I am enjoying the "big picture", but the details and judgments are often difficult.

The most interesting thing to me about this book is this reoccurring theme- "Then they will know that I am the LORD their God."

It's in this book over 63 times!

In the midst of their exile God's passion was that they would know him. It was his great desire then, and still is.

John 17:3 "This is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent.

Knowing God is the most important goal of the human race because it's the most important goal to God.

The book of Ezekiel was written to draw the nation of Israel back to this primary passion of God- knowing him.

In Amos God spoke through the prophet to say, Amos 5:4 "For thus says the LORD to the house of Israel, "Seek Me that you may live."

In Psalms David wrote, Psalms 27:8 "When You said, "Seek My face," my heart said to You, "Your face, O LORD, I shall seek." "

Throughout the bible this is God's great passion, but to be honest it's not always mine. There are moments when I want to know God more than anything, but most of the time....most of the time my passions are aimed in other directions. I'm busy with other things. Focused on lesser things...wasting my passions on things that will not last.

I so wish I could focus on knowing God. It is so important, but at times you wouldn't know it by the way I talk, think and live. I wish that were different.

Lord, make your passion for me to know you my passion too....I do want what you want.

Give me a passion to know you better.


  1. Well done sir! Indeed, our primary objective as Christians is to KNOW our Lord. Secondly, we are to share that wonderful experience with our fellow humans, inviting them into relationship with the creator of the universe as well.

    "Thou hast made us for thyself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they find rest in thee."

    St. Augustine of Hippo, North Africa, 4th cent.

  2. Jeremiah,

    thanks. I'm grateful for your words and thoughts. thanks.

  3. So honest. Thanks, that's refreshing. It also makes me feel so much more normal. Don't you think it's hard to focus on what's most important in the "wealthy" society we live in here in the Flowerplex? We do lead pretty easy lives (even during unemployment times!). Not that we don't have trouble(s), but we have so much, it seems we are always looking for what's next on the list of "wants" or "to do's".

  4. you can call me jennifer. my husband ALWAYS refers to me as Jennifer. which can be confusing to people.

    It sounds so 70's. Dead giveaway on my age!!

    Or you can call me Jennie. Which is what everyone else calls me.

    but i refer to myself as mrs. bowe on the mckinney and kelsey blog, because i'm not sure they'd know me as anything else...
    since i had both their little kiddies as students in middle school!

    nice to see you today! My husband really enjoys meeting with you for the weekly starbucks! (i'm jealous...i'm not sure if its over the meeting..or the coffeee!!!!!) no offense.

    and i love to pick his brain about it!!

    Thanks for all you do.
