Sunday, April 29, 2007


Today, in my reading I am in 1 Samuel 17. This is a chapter I always look forward to reading. It's the story of David and Goliath. I'm always impressed by David's boldness in the face of the giant's threats. While the rest of the army cowers in fear David is ready to take him on.
He had proven himself while caring for the sheep in his battles with a bear and lion. Both of these encounters prepared him for this giant, and made the giant seem smaller to him than what those around him saw as they looked at Goliath. While the rest of the army sees a giant David sees another opportunity to trust God.
Difficult times, lions and bears, prepare us for the big battles- giants. We will all have giants in our lives. We all face problems, but to be honest if you never have to trust God with the lions and bears how will you be ready for the giants?
Giants are coming in your life, pray for some lions and bears to get ready for the giants. Trust God with the small battles and you will be amazed at what giants you can defeat when they show up.

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