Sunday, March 18, 2007


I love our church because of the family feel, the closeness of us all riding through our joys and sorrows together. We have hit some bumpy roads in recent months, but what has made it easier is that the family of the church has gone down this difficult road together.
Some have left. I am told that always happens. But it has made our church family even stronger for the ordeals we have been through. I find that I am much closer to many in our church because of the difficult road we have been down. It has drawn us closer, it has made us stronger, it has drawn us back to a God dependence.....and in spite of the reason those results are all good.
We are not finished with our trip down this bumpy road yet, but we are doing it together, and when we get through this difficult time we will all be closer to each other, closer to God, and better prepared for the next bumpy road when it comes.


  1. i am happy to say that in the last few months i have felt more and more like a member of this church family and i love it! thank you all for welcoming myself and my family into your fold and making us feel comfortable and at home. the more people i get to know and the better i get to know them the more excited i feel to be a part of this church family and the more involved i want to be. it's a great feeling. :)

  2. I liked reading this :)

    I hope that the bumpy road won't go on for too long.. but while you are on it I hope you learn heaps more and continue to draw closer together :)

    Dont' you love church life hey? We're so blessed to be able to have a church family.

  3. Hello I'm a friend of Samantha Louise... I loved reading that post... I grew up in a small country church where my family of 5 was one third of the congregation.

    We moved back to the suburbs and I have always missed the "small family" feel of church, but God has made it clear he wants me in my current 'large' church of abt 400. (I tried to 'escape' but God always wins!) It has been abt 7 yrs since I gave in to His will and I'm glad I did, but I still miss the family feel.

    I just love reading about the small churches. It brings warmth to my soul :)
