Friday, March 16, 2007

A casting call

This is a casting call-

1Pe 5:7 casting all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you.

There is, in the Scottish games, something called "Braemar Stones." It's a contest to take a heavy stone, usually weighing 18-28 pounds, and throw it as far as you can.

I would be the comic relief in this contest! Do they have a competition for the shortest throw?

Here's the call- take all of those things that worry you, that cause you anxiety, and throw them on Christ. It just takes a moment, and you will walk a little taller the rest of the day.

It's always been interesting to me why we are invited to do this. Did you notice it? Because he cares for us. What an incentive! God cares for me, and wants to take care of my worries too.

So, here's your casting call- cast them all on the Lord.....because he cares for you!


  1. Which part? Me being comic relief?

    By the way, how is Erin? I don't know how to reach her and check on her, but would like to.

  2. I hear your voice exhorting me while I'm reading your blog... I love it!!
