Saturday, January 27, 2007

A redemption story continued...

A few weeks ago I went to the hospital to see the mother of a friend of my son. If you read an earlier post you saw the beginning of this story. The story is great because I got to share the good news with Robin. She prayed, and trusted Christ as her savior. It's been a hard few weeks for her. Regrets, fears of the future, still in hospital. Life doesn't get any easier because you become a Christian, but the future sure looks much better!

Today I went to see her and check on her. We had a good visit, talked about her move to an extended care facility, and then she said, "I wish I could be baptized. I've never been baptized." I asked, "Would you like to be baptized?" She responded with an excited affirmation. I got a Styrofoam cup filled with water and a towel, and we baptized Robin in her hospital bed. It was great! She was soaked, smiling and happy. Her son was thrilled. It was the first time I had used a cup of water to baptize someone, but I'm sure God was smiling too.

Then she said, "I wish I could go to church. I've never gotten to do that…..”

It will be interesting to see how this story will work out, but so far it’s a “God thing” all the way! Thanks, Lord.


  1. Absolute joy! Thanks for sharing! I'm not sure I'll look at a styrofoam cup the same way again.

  2. what a wonderful story. thanks for sharing.
