Friday, January 26, 2007

a "finishing well" apology


I'm sorry I have been so sporadic, and light in thoughts recently. I have just been far too busy. Unfortunately this blog has suffered. Please be patient with me, and I will get back to sharing in more depth as soon as possible. Until then I will try to post short, pithy comments...with pictures of course!

Thanks for your patience.



  1. mike,
    your business is completely understandable! although i will continue to check in everyday. :) i really appreciate your blog entries, and the pictures that go along. thanks for taking the little time that you do have to write. :)

  2. What! You mean you have better things to do other than blog?


  3. I like that you share yourself. And some days that's a funny picture or video and some days it's what's on your mind...and that can be either deep or shallow depending on the day! What I like best is that you're human and you're YOU!!


  4. Man, Mike. You are such a slacker. I'm appalled. (jk) I don't know how you find time to do it all! You post more frequently than I do and I don't even have a "real" job. I'm always thankful to see something on your blog - even if it is (as you say) "light."
