Monday, November 27, 2006

seas 'n greetings

Well, thanksgiving is past, now it's time for Christmas! The holidays have arrived. So, let's burst forth with mad expenditures of money to buy things for those we love.....
...but maybe, just maybe there's a better way to "do Christmas," I know many have tried to do something different...homemade gifts, gift certificates, a family dinner together with no gifts (except for the kids), and a host of other ideas to make this time of year more personal...more about Jesus. I would like to challenge us to think of ways to celebrate Christmas that would be "out of the gift box." What do you think? How could we make it about HIM, and not about "the stuff?"


  1. Well...

    [shameless "plug" forthcoming]

    ...for starters they could go check out our church's Advent page and do that together. Maybe comment on things for that broader sense of community...

    ...but that's just for starters.

  2. Great plug! Well done, and where can they find more details???? (hint, hint)

    Thanks, Brent.

  3. Yeah Brent, where is the link? I looked at the church website, and did not see any advent info. A link would be nice :-)

  4. Hey, I can listen to your sermons!

    Yeah podcast.

    Hmmmm. That's a good question Mike. We're going to buy gifts in Guatemala for folks but that's still "stuff"

    We'll be visiting Jenny's parents for Christmas and it will be a very special one. I'll pray and think on that and let you know what we come up with. Thanks for asking the question.

  5. I wish I knew how to adjust the focus off the stuff and more on Him. We do enjoy a series of books at Advent (, but there's still the gift excess thing happening, especially with the kids...

  6. Bela criança,parabens.
