Saturday, November 25, 2006


I turned my laptop on the other day, and it wouldn't said "script errors", and "missing .dll files", and frozen screens, and other scary stuff. I am one of those guys that predates computers, so I panicked! I called our computer guy, but it's Thanksgiving, so he's out till next week. So, I did what any foolish novice will try to do- I tried to fix it myself! And believe it or not (not is ok), I fixed don't ask me how, or what I did, but it's working again. So, forgive my absence, I had a good reason. Ok, just wanted to update you.

Now to loftier things. I am speaking again tomorrow. I am having fun, and I think the body is as well, but I must admit it is hard. I hadn't done this weekly for a number of years, so preparing for a message weekly is difficult. I often feel very inadequate for the task, as I should.
For tomorrow I feel like the little boy with a few loaves of bread and two fish- I feel ill equipped to feed so many, any good minister of the gospel does I prepare as well as I can and pray like crazy! I would appreciate your prayers as well.

I'll let you know how it goes tomorrow.


  1. Mike -

    We think you are doing a great job and have really enjoyed you... Thank you!

    Marilee Gundlach

  2. You will be in my prayers tonight and tomorrow! Four services makes for a long, tiring day. Your series on the Father of the Bride has been very encouraging. Directing us back to the right Person. Helping us to have the right attitudes toward Him and those around us. Thank you!

  3. our prayers are with you!

    really looking forward to the 3rd installment tomorrow. :)

  4. We are so sad that we are missing it, so today, we are going to listen online if we can figure it out. God be with you, Mike and know that inadequacies are the mark of dependence, because then God is glorified to the uttermost.

    We have given thanks to the Lord Jesus Christ for His work in our lives through your messages, your mentorship, and your friendship.

    Like Dave S. told us..."be wary of getting good at what you do" (not an exact quote)

    The Scotts : Charter Members of the S.M.C.M: Society of Modern Christian Mystics....he-he

  5. Awesome series, Mike. Great message today...Soverignty of God. Love that during the storms he sits enthroned....and he never gets up and takes a nap.

    Also had an aha moment with you last week. That we can call him Father and have that family relationship with him because of Jesus. Aha, and I have thought of it these few weeks studying in Romans 8, preparing for women's study. Aha!

    I think you could go on with the series: God as provider, God as creator, God as ......

  6. Mike - I enjoyed your message. You did a great job.

    Like Kathy, the thought that Jesus made it possible for us to call God Father was one of those aha moments. Thanks!
