Thursday, October 12, 2006

Resting in Him

It has been an amazing month, and I must admit that I am tired. I have been busy, and have not been able to rest well. It makes the days long when you get up at 2:30am. Oh well, it's a season I'm sure. In times like these I linger long in the Psalms. Today I stopped and rested in Psalm 103 for a while. refreshing....I needed that- perspective! As a human in a fallen world I have a very difficult time getting that- perspective. How are things, really? Is someone in charge, really? Is all of this going to work out ok? I have other questions that spin in my little brain, but all of them have to do with ME, so what I need most is perspective, and Psalms gives me that.....and in those words I find rest, calm, fresh air, peace, hope, someone who is in charge, direction, promise, victory, a future, a reason, and refreshment. Sleep? Who needs it, I have Psalms! If you haven't roamed around in David's writings lately I want to encourage you to do so. Slow down, take a breath, read slowly, listen to the will sigh, smile, and rest. Here's a taste, enjoy:

Psa 103:11 For as high as the heavens are above the earth, So great is His lovingkindness toward those who fear Him.
Psa 103:12 As far as the east is from the west, So far has He removed our transgressions from us.
Psa 103:13 Just as a father has compassion on his children, So the LORD has compassion on those who fear Him.


  1. I am absolutely swamped at work. Sleep is not something I have experienced much lately. I read your post to everyone else at the office (at 9:30 p.m.). Aaahhh... I hope we all get some rest soon (you included). Thanks for another post that spoke directly do me.

  2. Dear Mike,

    You are so right. The psalms are where to go for est, encouragement, and courage. Thank you for the sweet puppy posting, too!

  3. Psalms 121 is my current favorite.
    "I lift my eyes to the hills, where does my help come from? MY help comes from the Lord -- the maker of heaven and earth!
    Your foot shall never be moved; you'll never stumble or slip. He who watches Israel -- he never slumbers or sleeps."
    How neat is it to think that The Creator helps us out! And you can rest because He doesn't! Hope that helps.

  4. loving the puppy picture!

    i have been so tired and stressed lately dealing with the sickies going around the house and some discipline issues, particularly with the sweet, strong-willed boy...thank you for directing me to the Psalms I will "slow down, take a breath, read slowly, listen to the words..."

  5. "Tired" seems to be the buzz word around our CBC bloggers lately. I suspect its related. We've been dragging around all the weapons and now we are just plain old fox-hole tired.

    Need refreshment and sleep. And I'm sooo glad (just like sm said) I can rest because he stays up to watch over me.

  6. I think you all are right. This experience is emotionally draining for all of us. It's hard, and we are tired.

    For me, I think I need to simply step back, and know that HE can take care of it all.

    It's his church, isn't it?

  7. That puppy is precious! Awww....

    The Psalms are like triage for me. Whenever I just need some mopping up, I head right there. I always love Ps. 73. I can relate to the part about the behaving like a beast! But the best is the next verse, "NEVERTHELESS I am continually with You..." Isn't God good? (Even when I'm not.)
