Monday, October 09, 2006

Amazed in HIS presence

One of the places I'm reading in the word today is Ephesians. After reading this book hundreds of times over a 40+ year period of time I still have to slow down, read it again, and sigh in amazement! I am overwhelmed by what God has, is and will do for us, in us and through us. How can we ever know all that God has planned? It's much more than we could ever imagine...his desire to work in our lives. I don't know what God has planned in my life, but I can't wait to see it. His desire to work in my life and be glorified through me gives me great hope and promise. Here are the verses that I had to stop and read in awe one more time:

Eph 3:20 Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us,
Eph 3:21 to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever. Amen.

WOW! I may have great aspirations, big goals, lofty desires, but they all pale in light of what God wants to do in my life.

Well, Lord, I don't know what you have planned for the years I have left, but go for it! I'm with you! Since I can't even ask big enough things in light of what you want to do....let's do what you have planned. I'm in...all the way...let's go!


  1. Mike, great post.

    Thank you for your message on Sunday. You have such a gentle spirit and I really enjoy your sermons.

    We are praying for you and the entire CBC staff. We truly appreciate all of you!

    Kristy Knowles

  2. I’m in too!

    Thanks again for a great post. Yes, God’s ways are far, far greater than our ways. How can we even begin to fathom what His plans are? But we know that He loves us, and will give us the best … for His glory!

    God bless you brother!

    Vincent Chia (Singapore)

  3. Mike M.

    I'm new here, but I think you rock the house. love your sermon. and blog

  4. "the power that works within us" - i'm glad that the spirit is the power that works within us and that we are in him / him in us. it changes my view on everything really :)

    -steve's wife
