Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Thirsty for God

Psa 42:1 As the deer pants for the water brooks, So my soul pants for You, O God.
Psa 42:2 My soul thirsts for God, for the living God; When shall I come and appear before God?

I read this passage this morning, and had to stop. I read it again. Am I thirsty for God? Do I long for him like the thirsty deer, looking for the cool water of the spring? Is my thirst for God the focus of my life?

I must admit that my thirst is often satisfied with other water. It's not nearly as good or refreshing, but I so often find myself trying to soothe my thirst with water from other sources.
It's never as good.

How do I thirst for God and long for him like that deer? Why am I so easily satisfied with other waters?

I want God, and yet so easily seek out the easy waters of the world instead of seeking after God himself, the cool waters that only he can provide.

Lord, I want to thirst for you and be satisfied with nothing else. Make me thirsty for you, and don't let me be content with anything less.


  1. I find this thirst waxes and wanes. Sometimes I feel like I can't get enough of God. Other times I'm distracted by, well...life. I wish I could ALWAYS be in a state of thirst for God. Wonder how my life would be different? Maybe not my life...maybe I would be different.

    Schweers' mom

  2. wow, what honesty...how refreshing! I agree, I wonder how my life would be different if I had an unquenchable thirst for God and pursued it. Thanks for the thought.

  3. I am finding that here in this one bedroom flat, in a world that speaks a different language, I catch myself talking to God a lot more than ever before. We have gotten pretty intimate in this enchanted world. My desire now is to continuously believe what He says to be true - walking, talking, sharing, sleeping, eating, praying, laughing, simply living life - I know that this time will ebb and flow - but right now...ESPECIALLY now I am resting in the knowledge that HE is in control, knows all and has both this side of the world and that one right where it needs to be. Tough as it might be, hold tight to Him - finish well, finish well my dear friend. Hugs to you and Joye.

  4. Robyn,

    no worries, dear friend. we are doing fine...thanks for the concern, just sharing thoughts I have that I think will help others, I plan on finishing well, and thanks for your love for us that would pen those comments, we sure love you too!
