Wednesday, September 20, 2006


I'm reading a book on missions by John Piper. The book is called, "Let the Nations be Glad!" It's a very interesting read, but I must admit I'm only part way through.

John said something that caught my imagination that I want to talk about.

He said, "We are a "third soil century." In the parable of the soils, Jesus says that the seed is the Word. He sows his urgent Word of kingdom power. But instead of taking it up as our sword (or bearing fruit), we "are those who hear the word, but the cares of the world and the deceitfulness of riches and the desires for other things enter in and choke the word, and it proves unfruitful." (Mark 4:18-19)"

I thought about this, and his title, "a third soil century" really lingered in my mind. I think I agree with his observations. Distractions are a problem with this kind of soil, this kind of time we live in. We have great opportunities to do anything other than spend time with the creator of the universe- I have to watch that rerun of "Lost", I have to mow the lawn, I need to balance the checking account, I better fix that toilet, oh, and I don't want to miss that football game (it should really be good), and work, don't get me started!

These are the problem for this kind of soil. Notice what Jesus said, "but the cares of the world and the deceitfulness of riches and the desires for other things enter in and choke the word,"

Distractions- all of this "enters in and chokes the word."

This morning on the way to the church I was listening to Bob Coy, pastor of Calvary Chapel in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. He was preaching on the same passage and talking about the distractions that keep us from time with God.

How is it that I will abandon time with God and his word for things like cares, money, desires? Why do I let them "suck me in?" But they do. They do for all of us. And we abandon the most important things to be busy with other things that don't last and really don't matter.

Lord, in a "third soil century" help me to be a fourth soil person, investing my life and time in the things that produce real fruit for you.


  1. And boy-howdy, it can happen faster than you think! A few "distracted" days and you find yourself trying to manage life on your own apart from God. Good post, sweetie.

  2. Mike, I'm SO thankful for you and what God is showing you and for teaching me what God is showing you so I can be shown it too! I want you to never doubt whether your life impacts impact MY life in a big way and I thank God for you!!

    Thanks for blogging...I read "Our Daily Bread" and now I'm hooked on "Our Daily Mike" too = )

    I miss seeing you at church. Hey! Now I don't have to ask you "what's God been doing in your life?" cause I can read about it online...hahahahahahaha

    Seen any good sunsets lately??? = )
