Saturday, September 02, 2006

It's not the ride, it's who's flying the plane

Life can be a scary thing. We find ourselves, at times, in great fear and dread of what we are facing. It's hard in those situations to not be afraid.
We sometimes feel that we're on a plane....literally. Not in a plane...on one...out of control, totally in fear of the ride ahead. It's an "out of control" feeling. I think everyone has had this feeling, so we understand when someone else finds themselves at this point in life.

When I find myself feeling this way I go to Psalm 29:10, "The LORD sat as king at the flood, the LORD sits as king forever."

At the worse time in human history, the flood, God was seated on the throne and completely in control. If He's in charge and Lord of our lives, then even our most difficult times can be times of real trust- God is sitting down, sovereign over everything, completely in control.......don't worry, don't be afraid.

It helps me to remember who's "flying the plane." If I know I can trust the one in control, them a ride of terror turns into a joy ride. It's not the ride itself that we fear, it's the feeling of loss of control. For some reason we really think we have control, and so when we "feel" that we have lost it we panic. Maybe this will help- YOU NEVER HAD CONTROL IN THE FIRST PLACE!

It's only as I trust God with my "Flights" that I find the peace that He offers, and He's more than willing to give me HIS peace, if I ask. You see, it's not the ride, it's who's flying the plane that matters.

Life can be a great adventure, a thrill. How you view it is based on who you think is in charge, who's "flying the plane." If no one is "running things" it a cause for great fear.

But, if you think there is someone in control, someone who loves you, someone who can work it all out for your good, then what did cause fear can turn it into a real joy ride.

1 comment:

  1. Ha, it's good to know that God is flying the "plane," not Blogger! Neither Blogger nor myself are good pilots. but let's hope the bugs get busted soon.

    And yes, I'm sure glad that God is flying both our planes! That's why it's still flying.

    Vincent Chia
