Friday, September 01, 2006

I love coffee!

I love coffee! It's one of God's great blessings to man. I love all different kinds of coffee. We have gotten hooked (thanks to a friend, Elmo) on roasting our own beans. I ordered the roaster, and have been ordering different beans from all over the world. It's great fun...and the flavor! WOW! I never knew there was such flavor in coffee until I started to roast it myself. I read on one of the web pages that coffee loses most of its flavor within 5 days of roasting, and I believe it. We roast enough for a couple pots, grind it, and make's heavenly! The flavors....the smells.....I AM ADDICTED!
Now here's the best part- it's cheaper than buying roasted, no flavor beans, from anywhere else! I can buy raw beans for about $5.00 per pound and end up with amazing coffee. The roasted beans in the stores, and in Fourbucks (sorry, I meant Starbucks) is well over $10.00 per pound.
If you want some great coffee, call me, and come on over for some REAL coffee. I will roast it for you, and brew some coffee that will get you hooked.
Here's my scale comparison of coffees (pardon me if I offend)-
1. Bad- Maxwell House, Folgers
2. Poor- Roasted beans in the store
3. Almost acceptable- Starbucks (Although they seem to think they have to roast the beans till they are almost ash...their coffees tend to be far too bitter to enjoy.)
4-9. About everything else that remotely tastes good.
10. Awesome-roasting your own beans- oh, the smells, the fun, deciding what roast to use, what bean mix you want in the coffee, picking different beans from around the world, finding great ones that have wonderful flavors....
If you are looking for a hobby, I HIGHLY recommend it. Now, for me, any other coffee tastes like it has a frog in it.


  1. Amen to coffee addiction! Maybe I need to start roasting my own. I feel a new hobby coming on...

  2. Your coffee IS amazing. We are STILL talking about it :) I could use another hobby!

  3. i love coffee! especially on a really cold morning. well, as cold as it gets around here, anyway. i would love to try a cup of mike messerli's specialty blend. you make it sound so good!

  4. I'm sorry to see that you did not use that qoute. After thinking about it for quite some time, I'm not sure whether you're extremely clever (knowing that simply commenting on the coffee post --without proselyting --would pique my interest), or if you are not perhaps genuinely wise, and without pretext.

  5. Kirillovsrant,

    Thanks for the comment, and I totally forgot about the great quote on your site. If you don't mind I'll post it here:

    On Coffee and Faith

    "With one ounce of faith, you can move a mountian. With one cup of coffee, you will be satisfied with the mountain where it is." -- A moment of lucidity from a neighborhood lunatic

    -from Kirillovsrant's site
