Thursday, September 06, 2018

Just a glimpse

This morning I sat on the patio and watched the sun rise.  I watched the colors come and go in just moments.  If I had been 5 minutes late I would have missed it all.  It was a work of art by an amazing artist, but it was gone in moments.

And then I was just a glimpse of his glory, a moment to see his amazing artistry, to see a bit of what he is like.  He describes himself surrounded in light and color beyond our imagination.  

This morning I saw just a glimpse of it in the sunrise.  It was only a moment, but it made me realize he was revealing a bit of himself to us, a bit of his amazing glory and artistry to entice us to seek him and see more.

If this is just a glimpse imagine what it would be like to see what this amazing artist and creator is like all the time!  Glory and beauty are inadequate words to describe it.  We just don't have words for it, but one day we will see it...the glory revealed that is only hinted at in the sunrise.

This morning I saw God's brushes paint the clouds and simply said, "wow."  What an amazing God.

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