"For Christ did not enter into a holy place made with human hands, which was only a copy of the true one in heaven. He entered into heaven itself to appear now before God on our behalf." -Hebrews 9
As I read these words this morning I had to stop and say "thank you." It's amazing, really amazing to realize that Jesus not only became a man to show us what God is like, to die for ALL our sins, to rise again and give us new life, to prepare a place for us, but now he's also appearing before God on our behalf.
There is so much more that he has done, but I want to be brief in my amazement at the work of Christ. There simply are not enough pages to describe all he has done! He did it ALL! Everything we need to approach God, to be accepted by him, to find forgiveness, to have eternal life...to represent us to the Father....he did it ALL and continues to do more than we could possibly know or understand.
And, amazing as it seems, it's all for us. You and me. For me that is overwhelming, beyond words, more than I can understand, more than I will ever understand...why would he do all this? Why would he expend such effort, such pain, such immense resources for us?
Why? Actually it's quite simple. He did it because he loves us. How amazing is that?
Thankks for writing this