Monday, December 24, 2012

Calm before the storm

It's Christmas eve.  In a few hours our family  will descend on our house for food, time together and of course gifts.  It's a great family time each year, but it seems so short.

It's calm right now, but within hours there will noise in our home for the rest of the day!  Great noise...children laughing, giggling, squealing with glee.  And then it's over.  A flurry of gift paper flying in all directions, everyone watching, anxiously waiting their turn to open a gift.  I can't wait to watch the chaos!

But it's calm right this calm I say "thank you" to God for providing family, food, gifts, smiles, and laughter.  I know it's not that way in every home, in every family.  In the calm before the storm I thankful for the chaos that is soon to erupt from our little home with family and friends celebrating the birth of the savior of the world.

Merry Christmas to everyone!

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