Wednesday, November 07, 2012

The unshakable Kingdom

Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our “God is a consuming fire.” -Heb 12

This morning, as I read these words from the author of Hebrews, I am once more reminded that the only unshakable kingdom is not a kingdom of this world.  We all long for stability, peace, calm, common purpose, leadership we can trust, and a kingdom that will last, but honestly it's not here, not part of life on this planet.  

The kingdom that will never be shaken is the kingdom of God established by King Jesus.  This unshakable kingdom will shake out all other kingdoms of the world and one day all will see the only kingdom left will be God's unshakable kingdom. The only king, Jesus.  

So, be thankful today, if you have trusted Christ, that although the kingdom you live in may be shaking, the unshakable kingdom is the country of your citizenship.  Be thankful and worship God who has prepared for us a kingdom that will not be shaken by the whims of men or angels.  A kingdom that will not be rocked by scandal or fraud.  A kingdom where peace and righteousness reigns.  A kingdom that will never be shaken.  

As a citizen of that kingdom and the one I reside in now I long for the eternal kingdom and the king who is soon to come and shake all the kingdoms of man.  In that day the unshakable kingdom will be the only one.  Jesus will be the only king.  Come, King Jesus, establish here your unshakable kingdom.  

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