Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The devil's best weapon

The devil's best weapon to undermine and destroy the church and the love of God in the body of Christ is the fear of man.  

Fear pits one man against another.  

Fear divides.  

Fear separates.  

Fear breeds mistrust.  

Love is the antidote to fear. Fear undermines and destroys the love of God in any church family.  Love calms fear and draws the family of God together in unity.  

If the enemy can sow seeds of fear and lack of trust then love is lost, the body is compromised and confusion sets in.  Soon fear isolates and the church family has lost its focus on their #1 command- love one another.

It's sad watching people who love God living in fear and mistrust of other people who also love God.  What's wrong with this picture?  How have we let the enemy defeat the body of Christ with the fear of man?  Why don't we protest, draw in closer, turn towards one another instead of away from each other?  

Instead we let fear win the day and it makes us each vulnerable.  It weakens the body of Christ.  Imagine that...allowing the enemy of our souls the opportunity to defeat the body of Christ with such a divisive thing like fear.  

How should we respond?  What can we do?  How do we once more become the body of Christ, loving one another and saying "no" to the enemy's attempt to make us afraid of each other? 

How should we respond?  John 13:34-35- “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”  

"As I have loved you".....what a wonderful example to follow.  It would quickly defeat the devil's best weapon.  The love of's the perfect antidote to the fear of man and the one thing that identifies us as the family of God.  It's our greatest need in the church today.

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