Saturday, November 10, 2012

Thankful, Day 9

Today I am thankful for God's love.  

It's a simple thing, this idea of love, but there is so much to it. It's a feeling, a decision, but at the core it's a need!  We need love to thrive.  Give a baby good food, water, clothing and every other need, but deprive them of love and they will be emotionally devastated, socially handicapped and ever needy.  Love is as essential to the human as food or water.  Without it we simply don't really live.  

As I write this I think of someone who grew up in an orphanage.  They got food, clothing, and the other "essentials", but they never received love.  It's has affected every area of their life.

The love of God is essential for a healthy life.  

Today I'm thankful for the love of God.  Today I'm thankful that God loves me.

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