Sunday, November 04, 2012

Thankful, Day 3

Today I'm thankful for laughter.  What a blessing God has given us to be able laugh, to be able to smile.  Humor, laughter and the noises that come with it lift our spirits and often quiet our fears.  Laughter is one of God's wonderful gifts we don't celebrate enough.

I first discovered humor when I spent time with my grandfather, Harold Mead.  He loved a good laugh, a prank, a practical joke.  He was a farmer in Iowa as I grew up.  I remember him with cigar in hand, big brim straw hat on his bald head and a twinkle in his eye.  He loved laughter.  My brother and I learned to appreciate humor from our times with him.  My brother has inherited his spirit of mirth and carries it on in his life.

There is nothing better in life than a laugh, a smile, the joy of celebration as we share a funny story or a practical joke.  In it all I see the heart of God and his joy in us.  He made us to laugh.  He made our faces so it's easier to smile than to frown.  God made us with the need and desire to laugh.  There is nothing more therapeutic to the soul than laughter.

Today I'm thankful for laughter.

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