Saturday, November 24, 2012


"Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.  And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." -Philippians 4

Anxiety is at epidemic levels in our world.  We are anxious about everything!  We fear what's happening around us. We are fretful about our jobs, our marriages, our kids, our environment.  Our culture has created an environment of anxiety.  In the midst of so much lack around us the one thing that is abundant is anxiety!  We worry about everything!  

I should know.  I have gotten a PHD in worry. Like many of you I have mastered the art of worry and anxiety and taken it to new levels.  I find I often worry about not having anything to worry about.  Pretty pathetic isn't it?

In contrast to the way we live the bible tells us not to worry about anything!  Imagine such a crazy admonition from the pages of the Bible.  Doesn't God know what's going on in my life?  Doesn't he understand I have good reason to worry, to be anxious?  Of all people God should know what I'm going through.

He does.  And what he knows is this- anxiety is the result of lack.  Lack of resource.  Lack of power to resolve a problem. Lack of control over events. Lack creates anxiety. When I have no way to meet the need, no way to control the situation, no way to stop the war or prevent global warming anxiety sets in.

God's solution is simple....when anxiety rises realize you are depending on your own supply, control or power and not God's.  Stop, take a breath and go to God with your problems, your needs, your lack, your fears and talk to him.

One thing you need to know about God...he lacks NOTHING!  He has everything you need.  When anxiety rises it's your cue to pray, to talk to God and give your worries and anxieties to him.  His supply can resolve your lack. His peace can calm your anxiety. His power to take care of your problems will dissolve your fears.  

In a world of anxious people there are a handful who walk in peace.  They know what to do about anxiety.  They talk to God and trust him to resolve it for their good and His glory.  And he always does.

So, today, as anxiety sets in, just as it does for all of us, take a breath, step aside and visit with God about it all.  Give it to him and he will trade your anxiety for his peace.  He will resolve your worries with his peace and presence.  Pretty good trade, don't you think?  

1 comment:

  1. encouraging wisdom today Mike! I've been learning that as long as I try to control any situation, I will be full of anxiety.......thanks for the word today! God bless!

