Thursday, October 04, 2012


 “Anyone who is thirsty may come to me! 38 Anyone who believes in me may come and drink! For the Scriptures declare, ‘Rivers of living water will flow from his heart."  -Jesus, John 7

Thirst is a wonderful thing if you're able to quench it. We are creatures who need water.  We are dependent on it.  Without it we dry up and wither away.  

We can live for weeks without food, but only days without water and our thirst tells us of our need....a dry mouth, a driven need for water.  It's a need we must satisfy all through our days.  Without it we die.

"Anyone who is thirst may come to me," Jesus declared in the temple on the last day of feast.  It was an important declaration, profound in fact, and it was not missed by the Jews.  He declared that just as we need water for our bodies we need him for our souls. 

He declared to all of humanity that he is the living water that can quench a thirsty soul.  There is no other solution for this soul thirst but him.  Just as water is the solution for physical thirst and hydration Jesus is the solution for our souls.

But what do we see?  We see a world living without him.  We know what physical thirst looks like, feels like, but what does spiritual thirst look like?  What are the signs that the world is dying of thirst for the only solution available- Jesus?  

Insatiable.  It's the word we use for those who have an appetite for something and can never get full.  It's how we feel when we are thirsty, it's how our soul responds when spiritual water is missing in our lives. 

There is only one solution, Jesus, but the world for the most part rejects this solution, so what is the result? We try to quench our spiritual thirst by filling our lives with inadequate substitutes and we are never satisfied, our thirst is never quenched.

Until we come to Jesus for the water that truly satisfies, until we have him, we will find our soul thirst insatiable but never satisfied. He is the only water that can quench our thirst and give us life.

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