Monday, October 22, 2012

The dissipation of days

Gradually, day by day, I'm dissipating myself into the days behind me.  Each twenty-four hours I leave a bit of myself in those moment and in the lives of the people I touch.  There is a dissipation of days that gradually, day by day, leaves bits of me behind in the day and in the lives of others.

Here is a really strange question for you to ponder- How are you dissipating your days?

Strange question to ask, isn't it?  

We are each, moment by moment, dissipating our lives into the days we live, into the lives we encounter, into the events we are part of.  

What are you leaving behind you?  How has your presence affected the life of that waitress?  The man in the next car on the freeway?  The cashier at 7-11?

There are times, as we struggle in our own lives, that our passing feels like sand in the eyes of the one we just encountered.  There are times when those behind us regret they ever met us.  And then there are others times when our passing changed a life for the good...for the glory of God.

Each day, each moment, we dissipate our lives into time and into the lives of others.  

What are you leaving behind?  

What will others remember?  

How have you changed other lives by your passing?

How is eternity changed as you dissipate your days?

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