Friday, October 05, 2012

Have you noticed?

Have you noticed...

That we are in an amazing universe.

That, according to scientist, this may be one of the few planets with life on it.

That we, as living beings, think about these things and wonder why we are here, how we got here and who made us?

That, although there is evil around us, we all believe in and want the good.  We have a morality built into us.  Even the atheist has a moral baseline.

That we love, think, reason, want, hurt, grieve and hope.  All of these are the unknowable things that come from outside of ourselves.  Where did they come from?  How did we, unlike the animals around us, become beings who love, think and hope?

That life is more than breathing in and out.  It's more than just food.  It's about significance, about living for something.

Where did this come from?  Why are we like this? Why do we even ask these questions?  If we are just animals then we would never think about grand things like this, but we do.

Have you noticed that all we are...our loves, our thoughts, our hopes and desires...tell us that there is a God who made us.  As C.S. Lewis writes it is our inevitable conclusion if we are thinking clearly at all.

Have you noticed that the way we are made, the universe around us and the questions we ask tell us that God is there.  

Have you noticed him?  Do you realize that all he has made is designed to focus your attention on Him?  Have you noticed?

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