Sunday, October 07, 2012


"EVERYTHING without complaining or arguing."  Phil 2:14

This is the application of the verse, "Let this attitude be in you which was also in Christ." Phil. 2:5.  It's profound in it's meaning.  In these verses Paul is telling the reader that if we have the same attitude that Christ had we will not complain or argue.  AND, complaining and arguing are clear red flags for us that we are not trusting God.

Interesting thoughts, especially in a culture where complaining is a sport.  Arguing is normal.  How do we change our responses to the events of our life? How do we voice our responses in a different way?

Those are the issues I hope to deal with today in my sermon.  Let me know if you want me to unpack this further here.  I would love to tell you more, but will simply leave you with these thoughts and invite your inquiry into the "rest of the story". 

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